About Us

Our mission is to make the highest quality products possible. In order to achieve that goal, we are continually searching out the best ingredients to use in our recipes.
Our products can be grouped into two main categories:
1) Artisan-style breads, rolls, donuts and sweet goods, and
2) Christmas fruitcakes and shortbread cookies.
Along with a group of dedicated and conscientious employees we have made as much as 300,000 pounds of Christmas products annually. Our Christmas cakes are sold mainly in Eastern Canada, and our regular bakery products can be found in our local region.
We are notorious for supplying numerous community service clubs with fruitcakes and cookies for their fundraising campaigns. With a third party, we help schools with their fundraising goals for their extracurricular activities and such.
Our retail outlet is open to the public from Wednesday through Saturday (please consult our store hours) and offers a wide selection of our products daily. Thank you to all our loyal customers for trusting our products to feed yourselves and your families. We sincerely appreciate it!
A little bit of history…
Grant’s Bakery was first opened around 1929 by Henry Grant in Lennoxville, QC. It was closed and relocated a couple of times before finally settling on Huntingdon, QC. The many and various challenges posed during the 1930s through the mid-1940s were overcome through the capacity for adaptation, including when baked goods couldn’t be prepared due to supply deficits and rationing.
In 1945, Henry’s two sons Charlie and Gordon formed a partnership and firmly established the business as 2nd generation bakers in a building behind the family dueling at 32 Hunter St. Bread, rolls, donuts, pies, pastries and sweet goods were the major portion of sales. At that time, a loaf of bread sold for about $0.05-$0.07 and was packed in a cellophane overwrap. Both of their Charlie and Gordon’s wives were very supportive and diligent with the bookkeeping.
As times changed and business grew, in the late 1960s, the bakery needed some larger equipment which increased space requirements, so, operations were moved to our current location at the corner of Wellington and Roosevelt streets. At around this same time, Charlie’s son Richard showed potential in carrying on the baking family tradition and eventually became its 3rd generation baker and current proprietor. Beatrice (Richard’s wife) is very instrumental in the business as well. Sarah and Ruth (two of Richard’s daughters) make up the 4th generation to carry on this proud tradition. Our successes include being one of the largest producers of fruitcakes in Canada; and, at one time, Eaton department stores were one of our customers.
In addition to our the hard work and capacity for adaptation without sacrificing quality and service, our family business’s recipe for success would not have truly been possible if the men hadn’t had the support of their wives who took care of the office tasks and the book keeping. Grant’s has always been and continues to be a family run initiative.
In The News
Most recently…

In the past…
Entrepreneuriat – Les origines de la Boulangerie Grant de Huntingdon remontent à 1920. Une réputation d’excellence…
infosuroit.com – 22 juin 2015
Les spécialistes des gâteaux aux fruits
La Press – 26 octobre 2009
Les Grant: boulangers depuis quatre générations
La Press – 26 octobre 2009
A votre service depuis près de 65 ans!
Journal d’affaires du sud-ouest – Juillet 2009
Soixante ans de produits de haute qualité
The Gleaner – La Source – 25 avril 2007
Grant’s Bakery
The Gleaner – La Source – 25 avril 2007
Grant’s Bakery opens its doors for the first time to the public
The Gleaner – La Source – 26 septembre 2007
Des portes grandes ouvertes pour plus de 300 personnes
The Gleaner – La Source – 26 septembre 2007
Le mélange automatique de la pâte en toute sécurité
The Gleaner – La Source – 2 août 2006
A collage of past articles from our local newspaper (The Gleaner)…